I’m pasting my email again below to restate our concerns. Thank you for your consideration.
After talking to some of my clients who use MyBookTable, I wanted to follow back up on this issue.
Sarah Mackenzie of Read-Aloud Revival (https://readaloudrevival.com/) has over 2,300 books created via MBT import.
Leslie Rutland of Learning Through Literature (https://www.learningthroughliterature.com/) has almost 1,000 books created via MBT import.
They are still using the Import function almost daily. Their sites are built around the MyBookTable features and the import feature is critical to their workflow.
On their behalf, I would request that the import feature somehow be preserved so that those who are currently using it without issue could continue to do so. These book bloggers may not be the authors the plugin was initially created for, but they are some of your most loyal fans and frequent users.
From everything I’ve read about the issue, the request limits seem to be related to revenue performance within the last 30 days (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/es_es/AWSECommerceService/latest/DG/TroubleshootingApplications.html) and therefore the problem should only impact new or lower revenue Amazon affiliate accounts trying to use AWS (because their account has not referred any revenue in the last 30 days).
Perhaps you might consider simply including a note in the AWS settings of MBT stating that usage of AWS is based on recent referrals of sales through your account, linking to the guidelines here? https://docs.aws.amazon.com/es_es/AWSECommerceService/latest/DG/TroubleshootingApplications.html
This feature is too important to so many of your existing users! Please do not remove it entirely from your plugin.
Thank you for your consideration.